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The men who lost millions of dollars worth of BitCoin!!!


You must have heard that a lot of people trade or invest in digital

currency and maybe you also plan to trade or invest in digital currency

but after reading this blog you might change your mind.

Michael Terpin,

a man who became famous overnight but

unfortunately for a not-so-pleasant reason. This man was a crypto

investor and lost roughly 1,5oo bitcoins on january, 2018. The money

he lost was worth roughly around $24 million! Yes it is actually a huge

price. Now the question arises how did he lost so much money? He was

actually a victim of Sim Swap Attack.

Sim swap attack is more like a scam in which a type of ‘account

takeover fraud’ that generally targets a two-factor-authentication in

which a second step is a text message or call placed to a mobile, here

the fraud exploits a mobile phone service this is how the fraud gathers

the personal information.

Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. It is a type of digital currency

without a central bank. This crypto currency is widely accepted all over

the world. As it can be sent to user-from-user with very less


Two factor authentication is a double barrier for your safety which is

generally available in all login platform. If someone else knows your

password and will try to log-in into your account he will require OTP

which will be sent through a call or a text message on your registered phone. We highly recommend using two-factor-authentication because

nowadays it is very easy to know your password.

Coming back to Michael Terpin he is now having a global chain of

crypto-investors who are helping to grow the blockchain ecosystem

through community events. This shows that a man has a lot of ups and

downs in his life but what really matters is that the person stands up

again to face the world. And that is what we can see from this

prominent personality and how he is planning community events even

in the pandemic. And that is a happy ending.

Other such examples of losing crypto currency are listed below

James Howell

An IT worker misplaced 7,500 crypto currency and he knows exactly

where they are but the officials aren’t allowing him to search for it they

stated that it is against the law.

Derek Rose

Derek Rose is an Australian Journalist he lost his life saving ($70,000).

He cashed in his life saving into crypto currencies. He started making a

lot of money by investing he also reached $7 million. He was advised to

cash in but he didn’t listen and continued using the leverage and

quickly lost everything.


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