In this serious situation, people are not only worried due to Coronavirus but also due to email-based cyberattacks. A huge number of crimes are happening by promoting conspiracy theories which are based on fears. Hackers are creating an atmosphere of fear that lets people click on such links. In such cases, most of the victims are senior citizens; it is very easy to create fear in the mind of elders and this is the reason behind making the content of cyberattacks in such a way that will attract their attention.

Why is it significant?
The attacks on the elderly matter because there are large number of cases found in many places. Hackers are expanding malware by using the name of coronavirus and it is noted that their links are collecting the information of people by using AgentTesla. This is a new way of hacking so that people will not be able to know what is going to happen next as they are already concerned about the coronavirus and probably will not pay attention to the fact that they may be being hacked.
How such malware is collecting information from your PC or mobile?
Hackers are using tricks that download malware into your device by tapping into your anxiety. They are trying to exploit your uncertainty by attempting to bunk the name of the domain. Recently, it has been noted that they are sending trick messages related to the coronavirus to mobile numbers and at the end mentioning that if you don’t want to face such conditions then "click here." After clicking, you may lose your data and information.
How can you save yourself from such malware attacks during the coronavirus pandemic?
Don’t want to lose your money or information? Follow the measures below to ensure your own safety -
Never click on any unknown or unauthorized link received on message or email.
For all information related to coronavirus, you should visit an official health organization website.
Never share your OTP or account information to anyone Follow the above guidelines and you will be able to stay away from all kinds of cyberattacks.