Update: You can download a machine learning model to diagnose COVID-19 at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lq_yx_PSX5FU476cb0sp2olQhzSbfSqG/view?usp=sharing
Only for academic purposes until further notice.
The current problem in front of almost all countries of the world is the COVID-19 outbreak. According to the WHO, US-FDA and other research bodies, this virus is novel and doesn’t have a functional cure or vaccine yet, hence the only way to control the spread is by “social distancing” and the isolation of those infected. Here is the problem - once a person is infected, the symptoms take a while to show, and in those days, the virus can spread to almost all the people who came in contact with the infected person. Those people, in turn, might have met a lot of other people after being exposed to the virus and so the chain continues, thus, spreading the virus beyond control.

How can this spread be controlled?
One of the most promising methods is by the use of Artificial Intelligence in order to track the spread of the virus. - AI with the help of Big Data will help us utilize the information of social contacts of the infected person. - It will tell us about all those who have come in contact with the infected person from even before the symptoms started showing. - Hence the entire chain of contacts would be known. - This will lead to easy tracing of all those who might have been exposed to the virus. - Once all these people are traced, the can be instructed to follow strict isolation and quarantine for at least 14 days. - This will help us in breaking the chain and controlling the virus efficiently.
Use of AI in Treatment and Cure of the Pandemic
- The use of robots to treat the infected is quite common in order to decrease direct exposure of healthcare professionals to the contagion, for this purpose, if those robots were to be equipped by AI, they would not just save the lives of those infected but also assist the medical professionals as well as humanity as a whole. A revolution in the medical field is expected. - Even in the case of finding a cure, the AI system can easily analyze the patient’s history and even genetics in real time helping in the preparation of person-specific medications. A possibility of a genetically engineered drug would no longer be just a dream. It is hence that the use of Artificial Intelligence can prove to be beneficial in this age of Pandemic. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, it can also help in curbing fake news, maintaining peace, as well as exhibiting quarantine rules among others. Barring a few challenges of privacy and data security, AI shall lead us away from the times of distress. This is why it should be immediately brought into use for the sake of saving Humanity! Stay Home, Stay safe.
Here's how you can keep your network safe https://www.thehackerforum.com/post/network
Here's how you can stay secure online https://www.thehackerforum.com/post/anonymity
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