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Cyndhia Varshni
May 23, 20202 min read
Hacking the US elections
Any election is all about the numbers. The system’s sanctity is maintained with a fair play of voting without any rigs. Hackers plan to...

Cyndhia Varshni
May 23, 20201 min read
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic Curve Cryptography is a public key encryption technique that is based on the elliptic curve theory which can be used to generate...

May 22, 20202 min read
A Quick And Complete Guide to Von Neumann Architecture
There have been two types of computers fixed program computers and stored program computers. Fixed program computers have very specific...

May 22, 20202 min read
Adversarial Searches
How Can A Computer Play Games?? The answer is adversarial searches. Let’s see what this term means. Adversarial search is a search which...

May 22, 20202 min read
Zoom Raids And How To Prevent Them
According to a report, the number of people using zoom daily increased from 10 million to 200 million. Zoom grew popular as the global...

May 22, 20202 min read
How are Hospitals Vulnerable To Cyber-Attacks?
Researchers discovered about 300 hospitals have experienced a data breach which resulted in an additional 36 deaths per 10,000 heart...

Nidhi Nemani
May 22, 20202 min read
What is Moore's Law?
In the year 1965, Gordon .E. Moore the co-founder of Intel proposed that the number of transistors that can be packed into a given unit...

Nidhi Nemani
Apr 21, 20202 min read
What is Virtual Machine?
A virtual machine could be a software package that not solely exhibits the behaviour of a unique computer , however is additionally...

Nidhi Nemani
Apr 21, 20202 min read
What is Buffer Overflow?
A Buffer is a momentary area for Data Storage. When more data is put up by a program or system process, the additional data overflows. It...

Kanchan Pandey
Apr 7, 20202 min read
Has Your Gmail Account Been Hacked?
It is a very good idea to learn about all the tools and ways that will help you know how to protect your account from hackers. There are...

Cyndhia Varshni
Apr 7, 20202 min read
What is Tensor Flow?
TensorFlow is an open source Artificial Intelligence library, created by the Google Brain team, that helps programmers and developers...

Kanchan Pandey
Apr 7, 20202 min read
How Hackers Are Targeting The Elderly During The Pandemic
In this serious situation, people are not only worried due to Coronavirus but also due to email-based cyberattacks. A huge number of...

Apr 3, 20202 min read
Why OWASP Top 10 Comparison is the Only Skill You Need To Protect Your Data Hackers attack personal data every 39 seconds, about 2244...

Nidhi Nemani
Apr 3, 20202 min read
Mirai Botnet
Mirai is a malware that infects devices that run on ARC processors, turning them into a network of remotely controlled bots. This network...

Amisha Mayani
Apr 3, 20202 min read
How Blockchain can prevent Cyber Crime
Only two decades of the 21st century are over, yet there are technological advancements which have turned mere dreams into reality. Today...
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