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Aug 3, 20195 min read
"A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem. While "hacker" can refer to...
Speakable Book
Jul 4, 20232 min read
Evaluating Vulnerability Assessment Solutions: A Look at Nessus and Nexpose
If you're in the cybersecurity industry or responsible for network security in any capacity, chances are you've come across vulnerability...

Aug 18, 20202 min read
The men who lost millions of dollars worth of BitCoin!!!
You must have heard that a lot of people trade or invest in digital currency and maybe you also plan to trade or invest in digital...

Aug 18, 20202 min read
A 2 minute guide to Trojans
One of the oldest viruses is the trojan virus. The virus was created by Ruth and Michael Haefrati in March of 2006. This virus can enter...

Aug 18, 20202 min read
What is a Secure Password?
Approximately 3.5 billion people worldwide are using the internet. And the first question we have when we are creating a mail account, to...

Dhanesh Dodia
Jun 18, 20207 min read
Choose Red Teaming exercise, Before you witness a Nightmare
Understanding Mitre Attack to Perform Dirty Red Team Tricks Let’s clear What is Red Teaming? - A red team is a group that helps...

Amisha Mayani
May 30, 20202 min read
The Dynamics of Neural Networks
Update: You can download a machine learning model to diagnose COVID-19 at

Amisha Mayani
May 30, 20202 min read
Natural Language Processing
The easiest way for human-kind to convey their emotions and thoughts to one another is by the means of a language. The modern world...

Amisha Mayani
May 30, 20202 min read
What is Turing Test
Three Apples are said to have changed the Word- 1st Adam’s Apple, 2nd Newton’s Apple and 3rd, Steve’s Apple. The Steve’s apple was in...

Amisha Mayani
May 30, 20202 min read
Legality of Cryptocurrencies in India
Congratulations! Now we can trade with Cryptocurrencies in India, and we have the Supreme Court of India to thank for it. What is a...

Amisha Mayani
May 30, 20202 min read
LiFi – in the Age of Lightening Speed
What a time to be alive in! Even though, we are currently in a lock down, yet, what keeps us sane is that we can easily be in touch with...

Cyndhia Varshni
May 23, 20202 min read
How hacking medical devices can cause chaos?
Update: You can download a machine learning model to diagnose COVID-19 at

Cyndhia Varshni
May 23, 20202 min read
Top 5 browsers of 2020
In this digital world, the prime source of information is through the internet. When you have a question pop up in mind, where do you go?...

Cyndhia Varshni
May 23, 20202 min read
The man who lost a billion dollars worth of Bitcoin
On the 7th of January in 2018, days after bitcoin hit its highest record price, Michael Terpin lost nearly 1500 bitcoins. Baffling? Let’s...

Cyndhia Varshni
May 23, 20202 min read
How do Torrents work?
Couldn’t catch the last screening of the latest movie? Torrents is the place to go. Although very habitual, not many are aware of how...
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